It is currently the number one gadget at events, parties and clubs: the LED foam stick. In the dark, the sticks add an extra dimension to the partying public. Moreover, you can customize the LED foam sticks with your own prints, which makes them ideal as promo articles or incentives.
You can easily order your LED foam sticks online
Foamstickshop.com ships these sticks starting from 50 units against the lowest price in Europe. Did you find the LED foam sticks cheaper elsewhere? Let us know and we will change the price for you!
It is currently the number one gadget at events, parties and clubs: the LED foam stick. In the dark, the sticks add an extra dimension to the partying public. Moreover, you can customize the LED foam sticks with your own prints, which makes them ideal as promo articles or incentives.
You can easily order your LED foam sticks online
Foamstickshop.com ships these sticks starting from 50 units against the lowest price in Europe. Did you find the LED foam sticks cheaper elsewhere? Let us know and we will change the price for you!
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